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Books & DVD’s about Charlotte Mason's Philosophy and Methods
Internet/Websites with Curriculum or Book Lists
Conferences, Retreats and other Helpful info:
Books on Certain Subjects or Areas of Mason's Philosophy:
CM Schools
- Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschooling Series:
Volume 1 - Home Education, Volume 2 - Parents and Children, Volume 3 - School Education, Volume 4 - Ourselves, Volume 5 - Formation of Character, Volume 6 - Towards A Philosophy of Education
(All available online along with a modern translation version - FREE at Ambleside Online) - For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay (ChildLight Series)
- For the Family’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
- Books Children Love by Elizabeth Wilson (ChildLight Series)
- Teaching Children : A Curriculum Guide to What Children Need to Know at Each Level Through Sixth Grade by Diane Lopez (ChildLight Series)
- Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
- Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreola
- Charlotte Mason Study Guide by Penny Gardner
- Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education by Sonya Shafer
- A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levinson
- More Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levinson
- A Literary Education by Cathering Levinson
- The Read-Aloud Handbook (Sixth ed.) by Jim Trelease
- When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason's Philosophy for Today by Elaine Cooper
- Eve Anderson’s DVD’s on Narration, Picture Study, and Nature Study from (A student of Charlotte Mason at Ambleside in the UK)
Internet/Websites with Curriculum or Book Lists
- (free downloads & curriculum guide, resources, blog, and discussion forum—Sonya Shafer)
- (Ambleside free curriculum)
- Ambleside blog and Ambleramble blog (Yahoo groups)
- Living Books Curriculum (Sheila Carroll)
- Higher up and Further In - Linda Fay
- (Nancy Kelly of the Living Education Retreat)
- (resources and links)
- (Charlotte Mason Research & Supply—Karen Andreola)
- (Apologia’s Elementary Science “Exploring God’s Creation…” author)
- (dry brush watercolor painting tutorial)
- (Tammy Glaser’s CM blog)
Conferences, Retreats and other Helpful info:
- Charlotte Mason Institute - Blog and Conferences, and New Mason's Alveary Curriculum
- The Living Education Retreat (Summer in Windom, MN—GREAT FUN!)
- Weekend of Living Ideas Retreat - Spirit Lake, IA
- Simply Charlotte Mason Seminars in person and also Available on DVD - All Day Seminar, Books and Things
Books on Certain Subjects or Areas of Mason's Philosophy:
- The Living Page: Keeping Notebooks with Charlotte Mason - Laurie Bestvater on Notebooking and forms of written narration
- A Touch of the Infinite: Studies in Music Appreciation with Charlotte Mason - Megan Elizabeth Hoyt
- Laying Down the Rails: A Charlotte Mason Habits Handbook by Sonya Shafer
- Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching (Book and DVD) by Richele Baburina
- A Delectable Education
- At Home with Sally - Sally Clarkson
- Sabbath Mood Homechool - Nicole Williams
- Kelly Christenberry
- Novare - Can be formatted to use in upper grades along with Living Books
- Apologia - Can be formatted to use in upper grades along with Living Books
CM Schools
- RiverTree Minneapolis
- Charlotte Mason Community School, Detroit