A Little bit about what folksong study looks like...
Please Read - Folk Songs, Unplugged
Teaching Folksongs at Spread the Feast (10 minutes):
During our Co-op time, we will mainly listen to a folksong and introduce it to the children. A short history introduction can be made about the song. This should only take about 1-2 minutes. The rest of the time should be spent listening to the music and becoming familiar with it so the children are able to sing it by the end of the term. The rest of the parents need to encourage listening to and singing of the song to become more familiar with it at home through out the week.
Links and Yearly Rotation ideas
A nice article
Lots of Songs
A CD of popular folk tunes - Homestead Pickers
A little bit about dancing too...
Glossary for dance steps for the songs on this site
Teaching Folksongs at Spread the Feast (10 minutes):
During our Co-op time, we will mainly listen to a folksong and introduce it to the children. A short history introduction can be made about the song. This should only take about 1-2 minutes. The rest of the time should be spent listening to the music and becoming familiar with it so the children are able to sing it by the end of the term. The rest of the parents need to encourage listening to and singing of the song to become more familiar with it at home through out the week.
Links and Yearly Rotation ideas
A nice article
Lots of Songs
A CD of popular folk tunes - Homestead Pickers
A little bit about dancing too...
Glossary for dance steps for the songs on this site
Fall 2012
Week 1-2: Gypsy Rover * * * (Chorus is most singable fore the kids)
Week 3-4: Early One Morning *
Week 5-6: I's the B'y *, History - We'll try to do a dance with this Dancing song
Dancing Instructions:
I'se the B'y Singing Games Children Love Vol. 1:
Directions: Children form a double circle, facing partners.
Measures 1-8 partners do this clapping pattern: clap own
hands, clap partners right hand, own, left, own, right, etc. On
the words ‘hip your partner’ partners gently hipcheck 4 times.
On the words ‘all around the circle’ the inside circle claps 4
times. The outside circle takes 4 steps ahead to the next person
and the game continues with a new partner.
Week 3-4: Early One Morning *
Week 5-6: I's the B'y *, History - We'll try to do a dance with this Dancing song
Dancing Instructions:
I'se the B'y Singing Games Children Love Vol. 1:
Directions: Children form a double circle, facing partners.
Measures 1-8 partners do this clapping pattern: clap own
hands, clap partners right hand, own, left, own, right, etc. On
the words ‘hip your partner’ partners gently hipcheck 4 times.
On the words ‘all around the circle’ the inside circle claps 4
times. The outside circle takes 4 steps ahead to the next person
and the game continues with a new partner.
Fall 2011
Aiken Drum - Weeks 1-3
This site has the original words as well as a brief history of the song.
These are the words we'll be using from a Musikgarten recording.
His Hat was made of good cream cheese.
His Coat was made of pizza pie.
His Buttons were made of jelly beans.
The YouTube video can be used to familiarize yourselves with the tune!
De Colores -Weeks 4-6
Spanish Version
De colores, de colores Se visten los campos en la primavera. De colores, de colores Son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera. De colores, de colores Es el arco iris que vemos lucir. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mí. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mí. ( De colores, de colores Brillantes y finos se viste la aurora. De colores, de colores Son los mil reflejos que el sol atesora. De colores, de colores Se viste el diamante que vemos lucir. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mí. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mí.) Canta el gallo, canta el gallo Con el quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri. La gallina, la gallina Con el cara, cara, cara, cara, cara. Los pollitos/polluelos, los pollitos/polluelos Con el pío, pío, pío, pío, pí. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mí. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mí. ( Jubilosos, jubilosos Vivamos en gracia puesto que se puede. Saciaremos, saciaremos La sed ardorosa del Rey que no muere. Jubilosos, jubilosos Llevemos a Cristo un alma y mil más. Difundiendo la luz que ilumina La gracia divina del gran ideal. Difundiendo la luz que ilumina La gracia divina del gran ideal.) |
English Version
In colors, in colors The fields are dressed in the spring. In colors, in colors Are the little birds that come from outside. In colors, in colors Is the rainbow that we see shining. And that is why I love The great loves of many colors And that is why I love The great loves of many colors. (In colors, in colors Brilliant and delicate is dressed the dawn. In colors, in colors Are the thousand gleams the sun treasures. In colors, in colors Is dressed the diamond we see shining. And that is why I love The great loves of many colors. And that is why I love The great loves of many colors.) The rooster sings, the rooster sings With a cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo. The hen, the hen With a cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck. The chicks, the chicks With a cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep. And that is why I love The great loves of many colors. And that is why I love The great loves of many colors. (Joyous, joyous Let us live in grace since we can. Let us quench, let us quench The burning thirst of the King who does not die. Joyous, joyous Let us bring to Christ a soul and thousand more. Spreading the light that illuminates The divine grace from the great ideal. Spreading the light that illuminates The divine grace from the great ideal.) |