Please join us for our next big event! Registration Below!
Saturday, May 20th
Mason's Great Recognition on a Living Education
Morning Seminar - 8:30 am -12:00 pm - $25.00
at CityLife Church, 225 Cleveland Ave. S., St. Paul, MN (Map below)
followed by a
Luncheon and Tea - 12:15 pm - 3:00 pm - $15.00
A Discussion of Mason in the Early Years using Home Education: Volume 1
and Discussion/Q and A time about the Morning Seminar and Immersions

Please join the Twin Cities Charlotte Mason Community for a Morning Seminar about the educational principles and methods of Charlotte Mason. Whether you homeschool, your kids are in a school, you just have preschoolers, you are an educator or just love helping kids, this will be a time to gather lovely ideas that will really get you thinking about what a Christian, Living Education can look like.
If you have very young children, this is a great time to carefully think through what you believe about education before the school years are upon you! It's never too early to start learning as a parent! Please join us! And may we also recommend you read For the Children's Sake, by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay, Francis Schaeffer's daughter!
Event Details:
Morning Seminar: We'll dive deep into Mason's Great Recognition: That God the Holy Spirit is Himself, personally, the Imparter of knowledge, the Instructosr of youth, the Inspirer of genius. There will also be a presentation on "Mother Culture" (Life Long Learning as a Parent). Immersion Sessions will cover Hymn, Poetry, Bible, (History)Narration, Artist Study, and Nature Study through the Seasons in Minnesota.
Lunch and Tea Discussion: There will be a lunch presentation about Educating in the Early Years and the ideas Mason presents in her First Volume: Home Education. Following that, you will have an opportunity to discuss and ask questions about the presentation as well as anything from the Morning Seminar or Immersions.
Tentative Schedule:
Morning Seminar:
8:15 Registration Begins
8:30 Welcome and Immersions (Bible, Hymn, Poetry)
9:00 Session 1 - The Great Recognition
10:15 Break
10:30 Mother Culture and Immersions (Narration, Artist Study, Nature Study through the Seasons in MN)
12:15 Registration for Luncheon and Tea arrivals
12:30 Lunch and Early Years Discussion on Home Education
1:30 Q and A
2:00 Tea and Dessert and more time for Discussion and Q and A about Morning Seminar
- You can register at the bottom of this page. Please see details about where to mail your registration check below. Your spot will be saved when your check is received.
- You may come to either the Morning session ($25), the Luncheon/Tea/Discussion ($15) or Both ($40). We hope you come for both!
- Registration Deadline: Friday, May 12th
- Members of CityLife Church will receive a $5 discount on each event - Total cost: $30 for the day.
We look forward to this relational day of sharing ideas with you so you can Spread the Feast for your children! This event is not for children, but for adults to gain confidence in using Mason's Life-Giving principles to teach your children. Hope to meet you there!
Location: CityLife Church, 225 Cleveland Ave. S., St. Paul, MN